Márta Fenyő

Márta Fenyő’s thoughts about the Polarized Light – régi


The hypothesis

Based on my own research and knowing about the healing  experienced in the case of millions of patients,  I  have concluded that the linearly polarized light (LPL)  is capable of exerting an impact on living organisms, be they plants, animals or humans, the like of which ordinary light is incapable of exerting. While observing this extraordinary impact, I  formulated the hypothesis that this significant role of the  polarized light can be traced back to the coming into being of  terrestrial life itself. The essential idea is as follows: at the very beginning, billions of years ago when there was no trace of life on the Earth and most of its surface was covered by  oceans, habitable land surfaces were present only in the form of tiny islands.

The sun – beams reflected from the water surface were shining   onto  the edge of these small islands. Naturally, the  light obeyed the principles of physics – we know today –  also at that time, and hence the light thusly reflected was LPL, in other words Linearly Polarized Light. The unidirectional electromagnetic field of the reflected (linearly  polarized )  light arranged the inorganic molecules found on the surface of  the  place exposed to the sun – light in such a relation to one another that they took on the form of a spiral, thereby creating the  progenitor of the double helix  which is the basis of the transmitting of  the genetic information, i.e.  the basis of the genetic inheritability.

On the same basis it can  be assumed that the reflected light created these molecular links not only on  the land, but also in the sea, thereby serving as the basis of life in the case of both land and sea.  I assume that the reflected sun-beams falling on those simple  inorganic molecules in the form of  LPL contributed to the  evolution of  life on the planet called  Earth.   Pursuant to the theory advanced above,  it can be thought that we can  owe  the coming into being of life on the Earth partly to the Polarized Light.  This can be considered as the missing first step  to the explanation and understanding   of  the  origin of  life on the planet called Earth.

That is the starting point from whence the Darwinian evolutionary history takes its course.

I am  neither a philosopher, nor a researcher of the  protohistory of the Earth.

This is just a game of thoughts that came to my mind and I wanted to share it with everyone.